RMRK team
Smart contract of the RMRK Bulk Writer module.
Extra utility functions for RMRK contracts.
function bulkEquip(address collection, uint256 tokenId, RMRKBulkWriter.IntakeUnequip[] unequips, IERC6220.IntakeEquip[] equips) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
collection | address | undefined |
tokenId | uint256 | undefined |
unequips | RMRKBulkWriter.IntakeUnequip[] | undefined |
equips | IERC6220.IntakeEquip[] | undefined |
function bulkTransferAllChildren(address collection, uint256 tokenId, address to, uint256 destinationId) external nonpayable
Transfers all children from one token.
If destinationId
is 0, the destination can be an EoA or a contract implementing the IERC721Receiver interface.If destinationId
is not 0, the destination must be a contract implementing the IERC7401 interface.This methods works with active children only.This contract must have approval to manage the NFT, only the current owner can call this method (not an approved operator).
Name | Type | Description |
collection | address | Address of the collection that this contract is managing |
tokenId | uint256 | ID of the token we are managing |
to | address | Address of the destination token or contract |
destinationId | uint256 | ID of the destination token |
function bulkTransferChildren(address collection, uint256 tokenId, uint256[] childrenIndexes, address to, uint256 destinationId) external nonpayable
Transfers multiple children from one token.
If destinationId
is 0, the destination can be an EoA or a contract implementing the IERC721Receiver interface.If destinationId
is not 0, the destination must be a contract implementing the IERC7401 interface.childrenIndexes
MUST be in ascending order, this method will transfer the children in reverse order to avoid index changes on children.This methods works with active children only.This contract must have approval to manage the NFT, only the current owner can call this method (not an approved operator).
Name | Type | Description |
collection | address | Address of the collection that this contract is managing |
tokenId | uint256 | ID of the token we are managing |
childrenIndexes | uint256[] | An array of indexes of the children to transfer |
to | address | Address of the destination token or contract |
destinationId | uint256 | ID of the destination token |
function replaceEquip(address collection, IERC6220.IntakeEquip data) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
collection | address | undefined |
data | IERC6220.IntakeEquip | undefined |
error RMRKCanOnlyDoBulkOperationsOnOwnedTokens()
Attempting to do a bulk operation on a token that is not owned by the caller
error RMRKCanOnlyDoBulkOperationsWithOneTokenAtATime()
Attempting to do a bulk operation with multiple tokens at a time